Na nedavno održanoj dodeli WANNABE DIGITAL AWARDS, Sofija Grijak je ponela titulu Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018. Tim povodom, sa Sofijom smo razgovarali o tome šta za nju predstavlja pomenuto priznanje, kako ona koristi svoju super-moć influensera, otkrila nam je zašto je modeling zamenila šminkom, a postavili smo joj i nekoliko brzih pitanja!

sofija 1 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 2 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 3 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 4 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 5 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 6 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 7 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 8 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018) sofija 9 Talks With WDA Winners: Sofija Grijak (Makeup YouTuber of the Year 2018)

Foto: Alek Živković
Video: Vesna Kojić
