Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 1 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 2 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 3 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 4 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 5 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 6 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 7 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 7 1 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 7 2 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 8 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 9 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 10 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 11 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel Wannabe Editorijal April H W680 12 Wannabe editorijal: Harmony of Pastel

Fotograf: Dragan Asanov

Stilista: Tijana Žunić

Asistent fotografa: Ana Maksimović

Šminker: Nadica Lekić

Scenograf: Florijan Karh

Model: Katarina Nazor, Fox Fashion Agency